Artist’s Talk
with Alaiyo Bradshaw
Saturday, March 8th, 4:00 to 5:00 pm
Join us at Unison or on Zoom
You’re Breaking Up artist Alaiyo Bradshaw’s artwork takes a passionate view of a social conscience that incorporates drawing and painting through visual journalism. In her work, she reconstructs dreams, children’s stories, cultural iconography, ethnography, and social issues. She brings her training as an illustrator and graphic designer into her work as a fine artist. She thinks of her paintings as single-frame narratives–windows into the subject. Her artwork is linked by repeated formal concerns as well as through its conceptual content. Each personal project consists of multiple works grouped around specific themes and iconography. She uses watercolor as a medium to create depth, translucency, and opacity. In her conception, her art means bringing images to life through representational depictions reflecting a visual language that she speaks.