April Wine Tasting Mid Hudson Wine Society and Unison Arts: Tour of Italy
Saturday April 30 at 4:00 • Unison Arts, 68 Mountain Rest Road, New Paltz
Hosts: Margaret McDowell, Theo Pappas and Faith Nichols
Presenter: Sami Ramic
Please join us for a Tour of Italy. We will sample at least 6 wines from the Northern, Central and Southern regions of Italy. Our guide will be Sami Ramic, owner of Wine Worldwide and Winesa. Sami has well over 20 years in the wine distribution business. As an added bonus, he and his wife are members in good standing of our MHWS.
Please RSVP by 4/23 to faitnichols@gmail.com.
Cost will be $30 for members of MHWS and Unison. Guests $35
Bring 2 glasses per person.
For questions or to volunteer to bring a dessert, please call Margaret at 845-399-8105.
Hope to see many of you as we embark on our Tour of Italy.