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Open Mic Night

Join us for Open Mic Night on the 3rd Thursday of each month! Open Mic is held in the gallery at 9 Paradies Lane in New Paltz.

We are excited to host a monthly open mic night open to all types of performers. Come participate in an inclusive community of creative people. Share your music, writing and performance in a welcoming and respectful listening space - or just come to listen and support!

Sign-ups from 6:30pmperformances start at 7pm.

Performers can take the stage for 7-10 minutes each.

Unison can offer use of the House PA (up to 3 mics and 2 DI's) so bring your instruments and whatever else you need.

Wine, beer and snacks available.

To help cover the cost of operations there is a suggested entrance donation of $5 for performers and audience members. Thank you!

Unison’s Open Mic night is hosted by Michael Clarke, Leo Glaser and Emeline Hastings.

April 20

In Conversation with Ulster County Poet Laureate

May 17
